
A home in the making

The fireplace

Everytime I visit someone that has a fireplace I always ask if I can light up a fire if the fireplace is not lit. It is something about the dancing flames that is so relaxing and just soothes my nerves. It is a absolute musthave for me. In my opinion it lights and gives the room varmth and a focalpoint even when it is unlit. 

There is not only the estethic part to consider when looking around for options but also the energyefficency and price for installation. To also use the heat to varm the house (beside the heatingsystem) we will install a insert stove. The price of those vary and so does the design. 

The final fireplace will probably not even be close to any of these but they are nontheless beautiful. 

Images from Instagramaccounts, ostersjosten, shoppeamberinteriors and amberinteriors

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